
Monday, January 26, 2015

Smoothie recipes

I'm going to start this post by admitting that I have the WORST eating habits in the world.  
I have a sweet tooth (multiple actually), I hate to cook, I dread going to the kitchen and usually don't until I'm really, REALLY hungry.

My breakfast consists of a Tazo chai latte (all sugar and about a million calories), but I can make it in less than two minutes and get to work.

I need an alternative breakfast that is easily portable (I bring it to my desk to drink while working), that takes less than two minutes to make and is better for me than my chai - BUT it has to taste at least as good as my chai to make me create a habit.

Any of you in the same boat?  Perhaps not a latte, but tend to coast through your mornings on just a cup of coffee?

Today I set myself up for success.

I created my breakfasts for the entire week in one little baggie each.

First up, my chocolate monkey:

  • 1/2 a banana (we keep our over-ripe ones in the freezer for banana bread or muffins, but the over-ripe ones are actually the sweetest, so this will appease my sweet teeth.)
  • 2 tbsp chocolate protein powder.  I only used this because Hubby had it - there's no need to go out and buy a giant container, you could swap in a bit of cocoa powder instead.
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 cup yogurt.

Put them all in a little baggie and seal.
They'll freeze together and will be easily dumped out of the baggie into your blender, and you won't even need ice cubes or ice cream because this will be your thick frozen component!

Next up;  Apple Pie smoothie

  • 1 lunch-sized container of unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

(I added some cinnamon protein powder as well, but you don't need to - this will taste like apple pie without it).

You can add any other ingredients you want to these... metamucil, whey/protein powder, fish oil - whatever floats your boat.

When you're ready for breakfast, all you need to do is drop it out of the baggie into your blender, add some almond milk (or skim milk) and blend.

(The photo shows ice cubes but only because my baggies hadn't frozen yet and I wanted to taste-test.)

I made up a dozen this morning - 6 chocolate monkey, 6 apple pie - and have them sitting in my freezer ready for the next day's breakfast.

They are healthy, take no time to blend and are delicious - no more excuses for me.

(and for dessert, I can have my chai!)

Just in case you noticed my awesome measuring spoons - I picked these up last week from Bonnie and they are brilliant!
All of your measuring spoons in one slide-able version!  Holds liquids and dry ingredients!

Pampered Chef - Adjustable Measuring Spoons

Have a great one!

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1 comment:

  1. Love this Shelley ~ I do smoothies several times a week never thought to 'pre prep' them into ziplocks so I can just toss them into the blender and save even more time in the morning!


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