
Monday, July 14, 2014

Kid's Book Club - Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer

The girls had their first book club meeting on Friday.

Twelve of the approximately 16 kids came over to our place to meet and discuss:

The grades spanned from Senior Kindergarten to those entering Grade 4 - so it was quite a spectrum of reading ability and understanding - but it's not about how far each child read or whether they read it themselves or had their parents read it to them
It's all about getting them to LOVE to read.

We chose this book as our first title because several of the kids received a copy from their teacher last year.

We had snacks based on the book:

Another fantastic treat from Amazing Amy!

and some of the kids made up their own "Judy Moody Mega-Rare NOT Bummer Summer Dare" charts

We had a short discussion about the book and these are the reviews from the little critics:

C:  "The very best part was when Judy came back to the house and was wearing a big, poofy dress and the disgustingest part was when Frank puked up on the roller coaster."   (age 6)

T:  Once a toad peed on Judy's hand.
Me: was that the best part or the grossest part?
T:  Both.    (age 6)

C:  The best part was when they thought Bigfoot opened the peanut butter jar
Me:  and what happened
C:  it wasn't
Me:  what was the grossest part?
C:  when there was poo on the sandwich     (age 5) 

T:  My favourite part was when the toad peed on Amy's hand and the most disgusting part was when Frank puked on Judy.    (age 9)

We closed the party with a little play and swim;

and their own "100 Chapters Challenge" with some gummy 'bookworms' to congratulate them for their hard work.

Overall, I'd say the book club was a success!
The kids had fun, they enjoyed a new book and I think they're looking forward to our next club meeting in two weeks.

For those of you still to read Judy Moody - here's the Siskel and Ebert review of the book:

Have a great one!

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch

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