
Sunday, July 13, 2014

$0 Dollhouse!

This project was a complete fluke….

It started because my girls were bugging me (incessantly) about getting new Littlest Pet Shop toys (LPS).  They are constantly asking if we can go to Toys R Us, or Target, or garage sales, or if they can trade with friends.
When they're not begging they're watching LPS videos on YouTube.

Not the cartoon that's on TV - these are the MTV version:

This song is cute - it's the only video that I can stand on repeat.

They have a ton of LPS characters already and 4 or 5 houses that I've picked up at garage sales, but it's not enough….
they want more…
and I'm tired.

The other day they were hounding me again, so I told them to go find a cardboard box.

We then sat down and chose pictures from my House & Home magazines of nice interiors and ripped them out

and glued them to the inside of the boxes.

Okay, okay, the idea is not completely original - we all made dioramas in school - but I hadn't thought of them as a source of dollhouse entertainment.

This is Chloe's gorgeous living room (we had to add the floor poof afterwards because the page ripped).

The magazine had a two page spread, so it's kind of seamless on the side.

These aren't big boxes we're talking about - in fact, the ones the girls are using are about the size of my hand.

This is Madison's living room.  She's planning on adding a vase of flowers to cover over the skull on the coffee table. 

She has a gorgeous view of the water;

Honestly, these houses are way better than my own!

They bring in their own accessories and the LPS characters live in these deluxe condos!

We're going to keep an eye out in future magazines to see if there are any carpet or flooring ads that will be big enough to cover the bottom of the box. 

And when they're done playing, you can put all the characters and accessories back into the box and close it up!

My efforts to appease my children, save my sanity and not spend any money were well received!

For now at least. lol

  Have a great one!


  1. A box! That's brilliant! When I was little I'd do the same thing collage-style in a spiral bound notebook. Hmmm... Interesting. Maybe that's why I like pinning home decor so much...

    1. Love the notebook idea - kind of like the magazine organization, but more specific. May have to create one of those for myself!
      Thanks for commenting!


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