
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Keeping Track of House Colours

If you are a fan of this blog, then you are probably a lot like me in that you love colour.
You love to change things up and wish you had the budget to do so more often.

Every time I see a home magazine, I find a new colour that I want to try out on a piece of furniture, or a room.  I can envision my home suddenly turning into the model on the glossy pages - no mess, perfectly staged with stain-free furniture.

Maybe it's not the paint I'm really pining for?

Anyways, I keep a pile of paint chips in my purse.  Some are colours in my home already, some are colours I'd like to try, some are just colours I'd like to find in an accent pillow or something.

I was using a butterfly clip to corral them all when I saw this:

Is it me, or does this seem crazy?  $11.99 and YOU have to do all the work by painting each chip and writing down the name and number.

Basically it's a piece of paper then right?

There's gotta be a cheaper/better version.

Enter my micro-binder!
I know some of you had problems finding these at your local Staples, so I took a shot of the cover;

 and of the barcode so you could show it to a sales associate.

I was told that these aren't carried all the time - it's more of a novelty item - but they've had them for a few months at my Staples so you never know?

I pulled out all of the paint chips from my purse;

and cut them down to a size that would fit in the binder.

Then I used the little note page that comes in the binder and a hole punch - this is a fancy version, but really, it is just a hole punch - and punched the paint chips.

I labelled the chips by which room they are in, and you're done!

All the information that the paint store needs is right on the chip so there's no need for painting a card and then writing it all out like for the "My Color Keeper" above.

Only $2, easier, and much cuter!

Have a great one!


  1. Replies
    1. I'm thinking I need a slightly larger version of this for my garden seeds. I just found a package of cucumber seeds under my bathroom counter?
      For every item that makes me "seem" organized - behind the scenes there's at least 20 others that prove it wrong. lol


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