
Sunday, July 6, 2014

I made "The Londoner"!!!

I had another post scheduled for today, but it will have to wait.

I am happy-dancing and so gosh-darn-giddy-excited that I had to share this first;

I made The Londoner!
I made front page of The Londoner!
A big giant photo of me and my lockers…    in The Londoner!

Happy dance, squeal a little, happy dance some more!


That's me!

What an incredible finale to an overall amazing day!

The ladies at Pink Ink also sent me a very kind shout out on their blog yesterday. (you can read that article here)
and then this….

in The Londoner!

There's even a sound bite from me in the article!

So that you can understand my excitement - this blog started just over a year ago with about 25 readers. (most of them family)

As of June 30th, 2014 I am in excess of 45,000 page views per month.

I have had over 107,000 users (and ~320k page views) in the last year and am being read in over 50 countries around the world!

I have "friends" in some of the biggest cities in the world:

Look at the dots on the map;
That's YOU!

The Londoner is just the icing on the cake of an amazing year, and of more amazing years to come.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!

Now you really should go read the article - I think you'll get a chuckle from my "I'm the Anti-Martha Stewart" comment.

Have a great one - and thank you again!


  1. And The Londoner is exactly how I found you! Congratulations! I'm very much looking forward to digging through your blog.

    1. Nice to have a Londoner onboard! Welcome - I hope you find something of interest and a few chuckles here!

    2. I'm loving what I'm seeing! And it's extra nice to read a home blog that isn't just in Canada but from my own city. Keep up the great work!

  2. Ida, I can't find your comment anymore, but I was so thrilled to get your message! Everyone, I've actually been able to "speak" to one of my little blue dots from Stockholm Sweden!
    Welcome Ida and thanks so much for reading!!


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