
Monday, June 23, 2014

Organizing Your Bracelets

It's been awhile since I've organized anything hasn't it?

The house, and my life, are showing it!

Today is a quickie that you can do with something already in your home.

What do these three things have in common?

  1. You probably already have them.
  2. If you don't they are only about a dollar each at any Dollar Store
  3. They can all be used to corral your bracelets!

Turn the champagne flute upside down and you can put a few rings or earrings on the top.

Candle stick holders usually have a broader base so that you can lift it and move all of your bracelets easily.

The paper towel holder can also be lifted and moved easily, plus it's a lot larger and can therefore hold a larger collection of bracelets.

The one I went with?

The candle holder.

I liked that it was portable, and it was just big enough for the small collection I have.

That, and the OCD in me couldn't stand that the bracelets on the paper towel holder wouldn't pile neatly. lol


Have a great one!

Linked to:

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. LOVE this!! Mine are all stuffed in a box and it's driving me NUTS!! off to the dollar store I go!

    1. If only I had enough to fill a box. lol This is the extent of my glam - oh and the ever-present swiss army watch - very feminine. lol
      Thanks Shaunacey!

  2. Very clever. Nice bracelets, too... ;-) I'm an organizational freak (keep my earrings in individual compartments in a clear plastic "bead container", organized by color) but never really found something for bracelets. Nice idea!

    1. Oooooh, individual compartments - a woman after my own heart! lol
      Thanks for taking the time to comment and thanks for reading the blog! (psssst, pass it on!)


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