
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Freezie Cozies

This project blew my mind…

It started out with an e-mail from a friend asking if we could get together to make something like a photo she'd shared on Facebook.
It was of these adorable Freezie Cozies made to look like light sabres from Star Wars.


I mean, who's kids don't complain that their hands are getting cold - particularly if you have one of those super-sized freezes?

Anyways, no sooner had the request gone out, than my friend Kristyn - of unbelievable talent and creativity - took the idea and evolved it into something bigger….



and ideas for girls!

Aren't they too cute for words?!

Now, I know you're looking at these and thinking "I could make those!"…  I thought the same thing, but let's be honest
WILL we ever get to actually doing it?
Going to the store to get the material, putting in the time to design and cut the patterns and then sew them all up?

I might want to, but I don't think I'll ever find the time.

GREAT news!

Kristyn is offering them up on her Etsy shop "MomUpped" for sale!
Just send her a note to let her know how many of each you want and she'll get them out to you before your freezies have time to thaw!

How can you resist these happy faces?

There's also ladybugs, crayons and even a pink cheetah version!

Taking a fun summer treat to the next level - only Kristyn is this creative!

Have a great one!

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch


  1. ideia brilhate,fácil,e bonito,grata por comprtilhar,saude.

  2. Hey Shelly, I love your blog and read it often! I'm always inspired by the amazing projects you undertake and your children seem truly happy. My only feedback for improvement is perhaps refraining from referring to toys and accessories as for 'boys' or 'girls' - can't a lightsabre or rainbow freezie holder (or a lego table for that matter!) be for anyone? I've noticed this a couple times on different posts, and just thought I'd mention it. Keep up the great work!


    1. I'm glad you brought this to my attention - you are absolutely right! I don't want to pigeon hole anyone into any specific category - being a tomboy myself, I'm surprised I've been doing it! I'll do better going forward - don't give up on me yet!
      Thank you Annette.


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