
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tupperware Giveaway via Rafflecopter

Updated: Jan. 17, 2014. 
This draw is now closed.

Before the Holidays I did the draw for the Thirty-One kit and one requirement for extra draw ballots was to tell me what you'd like to see more of on the blog.

The predominant request was "More Giveaways!"

I don't want to disappoint, so in recognition of my Mom's birthday today, and Tupperware sponsoring the blog this month, I'm going to give away a 5 piece set of Tupperware Keep Tabs Containers ($47 value).

Same rules as before:
  • Leave a "Happy Birthday Nana!" comment on the blog for an entry.
  • Follow me on Pinterest for extra draw entries.
  • Like the Facebook page 100Things2Do for additional entries.
  • Refer a friend to either subscribe to the blog or to "Like" the Facebook page and receive even more chances.
  • Purchase something through Lona at Tupperware or Lynn at ENJO and get still more entries!

I'll announce a winner on  Saturday, January 17th, 2014.

Here's the deets:

Stackable solution makes life easier. "Keep tabs" on clutter and organize the fridge, cupboard, pantry, office, dorm room, craft room, kitchen drawers, bedroom, closet, garage or any other place where you need organization.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Birthday Mom!
Love you!


Check back later today for a SECOND post 

- better still, subscribe (to the right) to have it sent to your inbox as soon as it goes live!

Have a great one and good luck!


  1. Happy Birthday Nana! Hope you have a terrific day. :) - LH.

  2. Happy Birthday Nana! All the best :) LG

  3. Happy Birthday Nana!! I hope you have a super-fantastic day! - KAR

  4. I am new to your blog so really unable to comment of what I would like to see more of. I will continue to read your blog and may possibly answer that question in the future. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. I hope you find something of interest here - I'm so pleased you came to check it out!

  5. Replies
    1. Me too! The weather up here is a little chilly for refinishing furniture, but I'll post some other ideas that will hopefully inspire.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Nana!! Hope all your Birthday wished came true...
    Love, love, love your Blog Shelly. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Jennifer Grace

    1. Thank you everyone! For the birthday wishes for my Mom and for the kind words!

  7. Happy Birthday Nana! I do love giveaways, and I'd love to see them continue!

  8. I am new but I love reviews of new products and giveaways.

    1. Well welcome to the blog! And thank you so much for checking it out and following on Facebook! I'll do my best to bring more of these to the blog!

  9. Well, giveaways like these *are* pretty awesome! ;)


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