
Monday, November 4, 2013

What Word/s Will People Define You By?

I'm in a pensive mood today.

I'm trying to come up with a slogan for this blog.  
Something catchy, not cheesy, that will compel people to read on.

That got me to thinking - what is my slogan?  What word or words do people use to define me?

i.e.  "That's Shelly, she's really funny"  or more likely "That's Shelly, she used to have a mean temper".

I hope it would be 'used to' anyways.... if that was my definer.

What definer would I like to have?

Smart would be nice.  

Creative is flattering.  

Beautiful would be a stretch - and limiting as it fluctuates with age.

Inspiring?  I don't know that I'm as inspirational as I'd like to be.

Athletic?  Dream on - that was 20 years and 20 pounds ago.

I think "Kind" would be nice.
Perhaps because it might offset the "temper" reputation I've curated in the past.

Adventurous?  You saw my post on the corn maze right?  Not a chance.



Genuine I reserve for very few people.  This is a definer that is almost unreachable in my books - to have me call you genuine would be the ultimate accolade.

I'd love to be genuine, but it's just not in me.  I couldn't possibly tell someone gently that they look fat in those pants or that the roast is too dry.  
I couldn't genuinely be happy for someone that just won the $50 million lottery - I'd be too envious.

Assertive would serve me well in life, but I don't think it would be a great definer.
I'm one of those people that goes from nice to bitch - with no assertive in between.  
(This is probably why my temper seems so sudden, when really I've been stewing for ages and haven't been able to communicate it.)

Nurturing?  I love my kids.
I love my husband.
I love my pets.
I don't always love other people's.

A good mother and great wife would be fantastic add-ons.  
I'd love if people would associate me with those - but I wouldn't want them to be my total definition.

I need an identity of my own.

Once you've set your definer - it's time to take steps to make sure that what you want people to think about you - you actually are.

It's no good wishing to be known as intelligent, when you can't exemplify it on a daily basis.
Easily and without reservation/hesitation.

Okay, intelligent is out for me.
I suffer from delayed processing.  I'm the one that has the 'snappy' comeback two hours later.
I don't even realize I've faux-pas'd until a day later.

Here I am at age 40 trying to define myself.

I guess better now than on my epitaph right?

  Have a great one!


  1. Have you ever thought "Considerate", "Thoughtful", "Generous" or "Dependable"?

    But what do I know, I just grew up with you.


    1. That from a little brother?! Of all people, the years of abuse that your big sister put you through - you are certainly entitled to a derogatory name for me.... but I'll take the above as well!
      Thanks Broface - Love you.


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