
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

'Tis the Season for a Gift Closet!

It's getting to be that time...

Time when you have to find a place to hide all the goodies you bring home for the holidays.

My studio has a small closet in it from when it was used as a bedroom.

Since it's a bedroom-no-more, I decided to change over the closet to suit my gift hoarding giving needs.  

Here's what I'm working with;

This mess is not staged for your benefit.

We've had a run on birthdays lately and I've been grabbing and going.  
Unfortunately, this is legitimate.


An extra shelf, a little organization and voila!

The wrapping caddy is just a fruit stand that I had that I put the tissue, ribbon and tags in.
Easy to lift out;
A couple of shelves for the gifts/gift baskets to sit on;

Now I just need a lock on the door and Santa can begin is hiding!

Have a great one!

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Made From Pinterest

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