
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lunch Made Easy

Back in September I saw a post on I Heart Organizing about creating a lunch bin in your fridge.

The idea was to have one place with everything you needed to make school lunches.  (Perishable items anyways)

I wasn't sure about it.

I mean, it's really not that difficult to reach in to the meat crisper, or the fruit crisper, or the shelf.... essentially, the fridge itself IS a one-stop-shop for lunch items.

I thought I'd give it a try anyways and see if it made life any easier.

As ridiculous as it sounds - it does!

This is our lunch bin:

  What makes this work so well, is that the bin can come right out of the fridge and sit on the counter when you're putting lunches together AND
you can see exactly what you're running low on without searching the fridge.

Such a small thing - but I'm telling you - it really does streamline things!

Thank you I Heart Organizing!  
I 'heart' your idea!

Have a great one!

Linked to:

The Shabby Nest


  1. What a great idea to have in the frig. When you are busy the girls could take this out and pick out what they wanted to eat for lunch. Wish I had this when I made lunches.

    1. I think I'll package up after school snacks in baggies and store this way - then they can just grab a bag from the fridge or pantry.


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