
Thursday, November 7, 2013

DIY - Making Lego Portable

My beautiful Chloë loves her lego.

She totes it around, over to Nana's and sits and creates.

We've been using a Girl Guide cookies box thus far because it's just the right size and has a handle so it's easily portable.

You know I couldn't leave well enough alone.

I looked up how to make homemade Mod Podge;
the YouTube video I found said that all it is is 2/3 white glue, 1/3 water and some varnish for gloss.

I had the glue (or a glue stick anyways) and the varnish, so I thought I'd attempt my own version;

(Otis and Milo love to assist)

Isn't it cute?

So much better than the brown box, and it should last quite a bit longer as well.

Linked to:

Made From Pinterest

Have a great one!

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