
Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Does The Fox Say?

If you aren't one of the 165 million people who have heard this saying lately, then I'm going to introduce you to it...

It all stems from this joke video that went viral:


It's ridiculous - but INCREDIBLY catchy.

I actually like the song - despite the lyrics.

Hubby showed me the video last week.

He then mentioned that it would be a great Hallowe'en costume.

But everywhere is sold out of fox costumes.

"But Shell, it would be such a great costume!"

Not at all subtle in the hinting honey.

A few late nights/early mornings and I did get a costume made for him.

If we weren't hosting his birthday and Hallowe'en party at the same time, I would not have been this nice a wife.

I won't give the step-by-step on how to sew it because it's right in the pattern.

It actually wasn't that difficult and even if you are a mediocre sewer, this can be done in a few hours.  (Hence the "Easy" on the package.)

The white tummy, ears and somewhat phallic looking tail were add-ons that I had to "wing".

Then, to complete the ensemble, I needed a fox mask like the girls in the video.
(I'm going as a plumper version of the back-up girls)

This isn't an exact replica, but it's my version:

While I was creating my mask, Chloe made her own.  Frankly, I think she nailed it with the bling, eyelashes and whiskers!

Sorry for the blur - I caught her mid-growl - if that's what a fox says?

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch
Made From Pinterest

Have a great one!

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