
Monday, October 28, 2013

Grocery Bagapalooza!

We have to keep grocery bags in this house.

We've always had pets, so there's always been a need for bags to clean up after them.

Our grocery stores in town charge $0.05 a bag!
My cat litter costs me to throw it out.

You're killing me!

I digress - the reason I bring it up is because we always need a stash of grocery bags, and I've tried just about everything you can think of to store them in a tidy way.

I've done the kleenex box thing;
Which I really liked, except that I ended up having boxes and boxes of them around.

I've tried the official bag holders;
Which again, works - but fills pretty quickly.

Then I found a tutorial on how to fold bags - any size - to compact them into a smaller space.

 Here's the highlight reel:

There's 2 dozen grocery bags in this little 7"x7"x7" container, AND there's still room for at least 3 dozen more!

Now just so you don't think "Wow, she has WAY too much time on her hands!" - I timed it...

Each bag takes about 15 seconds to fold.

Super compact - just carry the little container down to the littler box area or put a triangle or two in your pocket before you take poochie for a walk!

Linked to:
Made From Pinterest

It's true
Have a great one!


  1. Love this! Am definitely going to clean up all our bags this way!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    1. So glad you liked it! I know it's made a big difference here.


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