
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Organization - Ball Storage

Since I brought up my garden tool storage solution yesterday, I have another little organizer that I had to share...

This one is all over Pinterest, so I can only take credit for implementing it at my home... not the idea itself.


Hubby coaches the girls' soccer and has for a few years, PLUS he plays himself, so we have accumulated a lot of soccer balls.

A few pieces of scrap wood and a set of bungee cords from the Dollarama and you have storage for all of your (larger) balls.  

Our grand total for this project:  $2!

Everyone can easily remove their balls from the rack on the way out to the game/practice and put them away just as easily.

We've tucked it into the front corner of the garage in that little wasted spot next to the garage door.

A coat of paint would pretty it up - but functionally it's perfect!

Updated:  May 27th, 2014
This has been one of my most popular posts - so I thought I'd better "up it" a notch by actually showing you the finished project - paint and all:

The colour choice will make sense if you follow the blog and see what else in the garage is a "surf blue".
Link Party:

  Have a great one!


  1. That is genius! Just like the ball holders at the store.

    1. Except made with scrap wood (free) and bungee cords from the Dollar Store. I think this bad-boy came in at around $2.
      Thanks for commenting and checking out the blog! (pass it on!)

  2. trying to make one now!!!

  3. Very smart idea! With two boys at home this would be incredible useful idea! Thanks!

    1. Thank you both. I can't take credit for originality, but I can for implementation. lol

  4. I love the idea! Really thoughtful! Thumbs up!

  5. I can't locate the instructions on how to make this ball staorge with bungee cords.


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