
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cleaning paint-stained sinks

Something (one of the many I'm sure) that I do that makes Hubby crazy is that I clean my brushes, pans and rollers in the kitchen sink.

It's stainless steel, and it's close to the garage where I'm usually working, so why not?

This is why not:

The paint leaves a soap-scummy-type film all over the sink.
Plus the drips and droplets that splash up onto the edges and the counter.  
Just a bit of a mess.

Since I threw out all of my chemical cleaners when I switched over to ENJO, I had no choice but to give my kitchen glove a shot at it.

Just warm water and the glove and look at the difference!

Some of those paint spills were dried on!

I'll do you one better - this is clean, but it isn't as polished as I'd like.
I mean, if I'm going to show off to Hubby that I was right and he was wrong - I need to make it glaringly obvious. lol

Throw a skinch of marble paste into the mix and wipe out the sink again:

Look at how the water beads up off of the sparkling finish!

Dry it up and not only is is unbelievably paint-free and sparkling, but it's also bacteria-free as well.

I did mention that all of this was done in less than 3 minutes right?
With nothing but a magic cloth and water (and marble paste for that extra shine).

What can I say - love my ENJO!

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 Have a great one!

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch

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