
Friday, June 13, 2014

Birdhouse to Accent Piece


I'm sitting here humming that ridiculous song "Friday, Friday, Friday…".  I'm guessing it's called "Friday" and those are the sum total of all the words I know from it.

I'm so excited - we're having our first BBQ of the season tonight which involves friends coming over for drinks, kids running wild in the yard and the men battling it out over some meat project on the barbecue.

I LOVE backyard get togethers!

My house doesn't have to be clean, the kids can spill and make as much mess as they want, and I can sit down and relax with a sangria and laugh with friends because there's no worry of anyone drinking and driving.


Does it get any better?

I have a small project to show today - just a little knick-knack that has seen better days.

I think I paid $0.25 for it at the Goodwill last year.

We tried hanging it in a tree, but no birds were interested.
Instead, the weather took it's toll and made it pretty scruffy looking.

I confess, I didn't put a lot of work into this one.
I peeled the decal off where I could and I gave it a light sanding - but nothing very thorough.
I wanted to use it just for a shot of colour, not for actual birds - so it didn't need to be perfect.

I did have to use a coat of primer because of the damaged wood and to make it last a bit longer in the weather.

Leftover locker paint - Benjamin Moore's "Surf City"….
two coats.

Can you tell I LOVE that colour?

I even found fabric, to cover my Muskoka pillows with, that had the same turquoise in it.

(Envelope pillow case tutorial here)

What do you think?
$0.25 and some leftover paint and you have a cute little accent!


Have a great one!

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