
Sunday, June 29, 2014

100 Chapters Challenge

Last year I told you about a 100 Books Challenge that I put to the girls.

Both of them liked hearing stories, but neither one was all that motivated to read themselves.  I put the challenge out to them to read 100 books (small, kindergarten-type books) and once they reached the last book they could choose a prize.

I think we said we'd take them to Niagara Falls over night (which, to be honest, we were planning on doing as a family side trip anyways).

They read all of their books, and then some, and they were so excited that they had "earned" the trip to what they call "16 waterslides" because the hotel had a waterpark attached to it. 

With school being out, I want to keep up their interest in reading, but I need it to be self-motivated.
I don't want to argue with them every single day to read something.

Another challenge - but this year it will be a "100 Chapters Challenge"!

Angie of Visions Graphic Artistry took last year's pathetic attempt of mine and made it gorgeous….

So you can have the free printable too!

The kids can put a sticker on the sheet every time they finish a chapter and you can negotiate the end reward.

They'll love it and you'll be so impressed by how their reading improves in just one summer.

Maddie mentioned that she wanted to do a book club with her girlfriends, so maybe this will be the invitation to get them all started?  They can have weekly meetings to discuss how far they've read (or to just run wild) whatever gets them reading right?.

Have fun!


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Between Naps on the Porch

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