
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sharing a great idea!

I have a remarkable friend.
For the sake of this blog, we'll call her "Janice".

Janice had the brilliant idea of using my "100 Things 2 Do This Summer" list for her daughter's birthday party.... a treat in the goodie bag!

Better still - she had the list LAMINATED!

Then she attached a dry-erase marker to the list!

I did tell you that Janice was brilliant right?

Check this out:
100 Things 2 Do this Summer pdf

Her daughter wrote her "Thank you" on the bottom before it was laminated.

Do you love it?!

I'll also get working on my 100 Things 2 Do for Fall list and get that posted in August for those with Autumn birthdays!  

I like to surround myself with genius...  
"Those who can, do.  
Those who can't...   
blog about their friends".  lol

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